June 8, 2023 Blog Article

Procurement’s Rising Influence Heightens Need for Digital Transformation

Current economic pressures make procurement’s overall impact even more crucial for organizations, yet work remains to enhance the function’s operational…
May 25, 2023 All

Report: Ardent Partners CPO Rising 2023: CPO at the Crossroads

SpendHQ is really excited to offer you a complimentary copy of the latest report on CPO Rising 2023: CPO at…
February 8, 2023 All

Ardent Partners Names 2023 Procurement Trends, Emphasizes Spend Visibility

When an analyst report uses terms like “D.O.A.” and predicts that A.I. will be Time magazine’s “Person of the Year,”…
February 7, 2023 All

Ardent Partners: Big Trends and Predictions for Procurement in 2023

SpendHQ is pleased to again sponsor analyst and advisory firm Ardent Partners’ annual Procurement 2023: Big Trends and Predictions Report.  
July 25, 2022 All

Ardent Partners Procurement 2022: BIG Trends and Predictions

The COVID-19 pandemic has cast a long shadow over business and society, and CPOs and their teams will have their…
April 14, 2022 All

Ardent Partners’ Procurement Metrics that Matter in 2022

Whether it is a pandemic that impacts the global population, a risk event with a devastating impact on a single…
May 19, 2021 All

Consolidation, Control, Cost Savings: Harnessing Spend Visibility

The COVID-19 crisis highlighted both the importance of spend visibility and the scale of the opportunities open to organizations that…
February 9, 2021 All

Procurement 2021: Big Trends & Predictions

Procurement teams and professionals forged ahead through the tumultuous 2020. Ardent Partners took a look at how the year helped…